Congratulations to Stephan Lerche for obtaining his Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering awarded by Hochschule Bochum University of Applied Sciences in conjunction with FOM University of Applied Sciences for Economics and Management in Essen.
Stephan joined Anker Schroeder ASDO GmbH in 2010 as an apprentice welder completing a technical baccalaureate. His grades and commitment allowed him to progress further to study part time for a degree in mechanical engineering whilst continuing his in-house training at ASDO, during which time he became capable in all aspects of production at ASDO.
But not content with 'just' a BSc Stephan embarked on the challenge of a MSc with the dissertation project of devising CAD/CAM modelling techniques for the stamping of brand images onto large forgings allowing Anker Schroeder to further develop products with minimal tooling and sample costs.
Stephan's hard work has paid off and he was awarded a level '1' for his MSc, the highest band possible.
Well done Stephan and we look forward to much more development!