The compression-rod system ASDO-D is an ideal complement to the ASDO tension tie-rod system. The fork connectors are designed to enable transmission of both tensile and compressive forces. Tensile and compression elements resulting from the supporting structure planning can therefore be executed in a uniform design.
Sabine Ott
The compression rod features a pipe design (pipe with welded-on threaded ends). Entire compression rod systems or fork connectors as separate components can be supplied. Design for corrosion protection can be found in the survey of the "ASDO tie rod system". When planning the compression rod in stainless steel design, please consult us beforehand.
The dimensions for fork connectors and related connection plates are shown in our catalogue. The design compression resistance for the system ASDO-D are listed in the brochure and result from the calculation of the compression rods in the thread cross-section. For the compression rods themselves, which have a maximum tensile strength equal to grade S355 steel, design strengths according to EC3 must be calculated in individual cases. The resulting value for the design compression resistance should not drop below the related value as shown in the table, or must be applied as a major limit value for the entire system.
Archiects Zwarts & Jansma’s design for the bicycle bridge at Tessenderlo has created an elegant bridge that is instantly recognisable.
At a glance Operating instructions, declarations of performance and test certificates to download.